Project management

MI-Partners has expertise in managing technology development projects, in which multiple international companies (sometimes spread over different continents) and world-renowned research institutes collaborate closely together.
Our customers often ask us to support their projects in a very early phase. At this stage, usually only limited information is available. Solutions are often premature, based on technology that is yet to be developed.
In these projects we prefer a phased approach:
Project definition
A project definition phase is started in which MI-Partners supports in:
Generating conceptual ideas.
Definition of key specifications.
Defining responsibilities of all parties involved.
This is done in close cooperation with the customer (often in a one team approach). In this phase also a clear way of working in between customer, MI-Partners and other important knowledge parties and suppliers is agreed upon.
Concept design and feasibility
More detailed conceptual solutions are generated and technical feasibility is checked with conceptual analyses. Also partial solutions may be tested to reduce risk.
Global and detailed design, realization and test
Our engineers are able to bring the technical solutions to a level in which they can be proven by testing. We can also include a CE-marking with all required safety analyses.
Competences and skills
To effectively manage a multi-disciplinary development team, strong understanding and good cooperation with technical specialists is required. Therefore, MI-Partners project managers:
Have excellent communication skills in addition to their technical knowledge,
Show leadership and perform their task in a highly professional manner.
Have followed IPMA C, D training.