Rotating sample manipulator for nano imaging
Technology demonstrator
A rotating sample manipulator for nano imaging was developed for material and life sciences research.
Working for several scientific institutes and industrial partners, MI-Partners recognized the need for a high accuracy sample manipulator (tomography and microscopy). Because of our broad experience in (cryogenic) mechatronics, we were able to translate needed research functionality into a sample manipulator concept.
The sample manipulator offers highly repeatable off-center accuracy in the nanometer range during rotation. This off-center rotation allows for 3D sample imaging. See the video.
Actuator design with very low heat dissipation
Sensor signal synchronization
with Eindhoven University of Technology
Frepa for precision parts
Key Competences
Actuator development
Electro-magnetic simulations
6DoF floating
+/- 1.5 mm stroke
Nanometer accuracy
60 RPM
Vacuum and cleanroom compatible
Hollow center design
Step or flyscan mode