Vibration isolation and damping
To achieve high positioning accuracy in mechatronic systems, the following factors often limit the performance:
Vibrations (external; e.g. floor-vibrations, acoustics)
Structural eigenfrequencies
Limited bandwiths of servo systems
To improve dynamic system performance, we apply active as well as passive damping solutions.
Isolation and damping
Isolation means decreasing the coupling between the vibration source and the relevant system. Typical sources are: floor motions, reaction forces of moving stages, acoustics and cooling water.
Damping means dissipation of vibration energy to avoid unacceptable amplification. Damping becomes very effective at the eigenfrequencies of a system.
Passive damping
Passive damping by means of polymer materials is an important competence to us. Together with GMT, a German rubber manufacturer, we have developed a new polymer material with very high damping values at low frequencies (>50%). Dynamic material models as well as FE-models have been developed to enable a first time right design based on predictive modeling. Dynamic verifications can be performed on the test-bench of MI-Partners. A damper designed for your application can be produced in series by GMT.
Active damping
To apply isolation and damping effectively, a solid understanding of the system dynamics is required (see competence Dynamics & Control). MI-Partners has developed an active floor vibration isolation system with high isolation performance and very low noise levels. The system enables sub-Hertz isolation with sky-hook active damping.